Friday, May 15, 2015

"So stare and see that this is me..."

I have been trying to figure out things that are authentically me, these are a few that I came up with so far.

1. I love soccer, especially playing in the midfield.
2. I think I do a pretty awesome job at voices in story books.
3. I would prefer to live somewhere without a car and try to do as much as I can without one now.
4. I love baby wearing but see the beauty of a stroller as well.
5. If I am struggling with something, you best believe that there is a song in my head trying to help me work it all out.
6. I am terrified of snakes, but living here, with a ravine a few yards over, I see them all the time and its making me less afraid of least a little.
7. I like wearing dresses instead of shorts in the summer, it just makes me happier for some reason.
8. My favorite novena is the Mary, Undoer of Knots prayer.
9. I enjoy building train tracks with the kids, but the track needs can't have a pattern where a train gets stuck in one loop, that drives me crazy.
10. I would rather go on a hike up a mountain than go to the beach anyday.
11. I enjoy gardening, but not weeding, go figure. :)
12. The only sporting events that I watch are World Cup and the Olympics.  I couldn't care less about the Superbowl.
13. I am a sucker for environmental things like recycling and composting and such.
14. I am not a 100% organic person, I'm an organic on sale person.
15. I've been known to eat a whole can of pineapple in a day, or one meal.
16. I like Disney Channel sitcoms.
17. I am a border line INFJ?ENFJ
18. I like helping people.
19. I refer to bodies as systems.
20. I can't stand wearing rings on my fingers except for my wedding rings.
21. I think I actually can cook pretty well, though I've never had professional training, maybe its more that I can follow a recipe because its just like a chemistry experiment. :)
22. I am not good at thinking on my feet.
23. I usually am compassionate towards others.
24. I admire honesty.
25. I am terrible at most video games, sans Angry Birds and Dragon Box algebra.

I'll stop there.  Hope you enjoyed getting to know a little more about me.

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