So as I was telling my husband earlier today, I have a lot of thoughts these days but just haven't been able to get myself to blog about them. I guess partially its because I have been learning to be a mama to my sweet baby boy. But there are definitely times where all I am doing is reading the latest status updates on facebook or checking the weather to see if its changed in the last hour. Yeah, so basically wasting time. So today I am going to attempt to try to start blogging more regularly. Starting with the birth story of my baby boy, Benjamin Anselm. So here goes.
I woke up March 1st around 5:30am with pain, not too intense, but enough not to be able to sleep. My husband was already up doing work, as he usually is either up late or early getting some of his programming done. So made my way to the office where our guest futon bed is located, and said to him. I can't sleep and I keep having these pains. I am not sure if this is labor but they are definitely not going away. At this point they were like 12-15 minutes apart, and not too intense. But enough not to sleep, so I asked Keith if he would go for a walk with me.
And so at 6am we went for a walk in the cold with the snow covered sidewalks. The contractions continued. I called my mom and told her that contractions had started, which I realized was a bad move cause she didn't think it would take as long as it did, so we got a lot of calls that day asking if the baby was born, but it was nice to know she cared. So Keith went into work, and my friend Megan came over with snacks to eat. Oddly I remember my super dairy cravings that I had had suddenly went away. Megan said that this was because it was like a marathon and you wouldn't chug milk during a marathon. So for the morning we hung out me bouncing on the exercise ball that Kati had leant me (for which I am ever so grateful, it got me thru the last weeks of pregnancy and labor cause Ben was at zero station for a while) and putting together a 1000 piece puzzle.
My sister having read my facebook status, called in the late morning asking about labor and such. She had a much different experience, and so we were conflicting as to what was happening and such. She had no early labor since she was 6cm dialated without an contractions. But all in all I was glad she too was excited. So again puzzling, pandora station listening, and bouncing on the ball thru contractions was how I spent most of the day. We called the midwives office in the afternoon, but as I was still in early labor, they just gave me suggestions as to how to get thru back labor, and told me to stay home as long as I could stand it. Keith came home in the afternoon, and was like ok, this is really it, cause I was still having the contractions, but he was caught a little off guard since it was like 5 days early of the due date and this was our first baby. But early babies are normal in my family, and honestly the timing was perfect because I was so ready to be done with work after the escapades that had happened over the past month.
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