The Menagerie is a middle grade novel written by the author of the Wings of Fire series, Tui T. Sutherland. I have read the first seven books of the Wings of Fire series, because my kids love them so much. However, I could never quite get inside their dragon world as well as I wanted. Something about the anthropomorphism that gets me all in a haze of understanding. However, in this series, which The Menagerie is just the first book in the same titled series, I didn't have that befuddlement as much. I could envision each scene and actually could feel for the characters some more. It's not the most in depth of novels, but the fun back and forth from the mythical aspects and reality is fun. How they have to be hidden in the real world but still exist. In some ways it has a Percy Jackson aspect to it but without all the fighting and gore. The fighting and gory scenes were also some of what I didn't enjoy about the Wings of Fire series. There are mishaps and adventures and hidden twists in this one and it will make you stick it out to the end. If you like Griffins, then this book is for you.
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