Plastic FREE PRODUCTS (zero waste, everything is compostable or recyclable)
Shampoo, conditioner and body wash
Can return packaging for refills.
Dishsoap, handsoap, multi purpose cleaner, bathroom cleaner, glass cleaner
Can just use own bottles and just start with refill packs
Cleancult- waxed milk jug containers
Kitchen Sponges
Silicon sponges like these -reusable, dishwasher friendly
Pit Stop sold at various online stores:
No Tox Life
Patch Bandages - Made from bamboo sold online or at target
If you don’t have teeth problems bamboo brushes are the way to go here. There are many companies that sell these, just do a search online
“Q-Tips” - Cotton Buds
Lip Balm
Many different companies selling lipbalm in compostable tubes, this is a small etsy seller doing it.
No good alternatives for actual wanting to clean your mouth well.
Best alternative found is David’s Natural Toothpaste, supposedly in an all metal recyclable container, not sure who would recycle it though.
Period care
Thinx underwear
Menstrual Cups
Reusable cloth pads and panty liners
Replacable blade razors (costly)
Baby Diapers:
Alva Baby, Green Mountain Diapers
BumGenius, Fuzzi Buns, Charlie Banana
(find through a buy nothing or local buy nothing group)
Loofah sponge
Mayan Loofa
Laundry soap
Sheets laundry club
Ziplock bags
Various silicone washable bags can be found on Amazon or other smaller company sites
Plastic wrap
Bees wax wrap
Toilet paper
Who gives a crap
Grove co.
Paper towels and tissues
Grove co.
Cupcake Liners:
Regular ones are compostable
Silcone Ones are reusable
Companies that carry a lot of niche zero waste products
Package Free Shop
Well Earth Goods