Sunday, October 2, 2011

Fun at the Apple Farm

Today we went out to the near countryside (as much as suburbia is the countryside) to visit a local apple farm.  It was a really fun experience because they almost made it a slight amusement park but with activities that mostly require physical activity with a fall flavor.  So we climbed and navigated thru corn, and the boys slid and jumped and ran.  I know we kept the kiddo out during nap time but he thoroughly enjoyed it and we did too.  And we came back with lots of apples and cider to enjoy too.  Here is a little evidence of some of the fun we had.

I've decided at 39 weeks that I am now in operation walk this baby out of me.  So thus, walking thru corn mazes and up and down hills were a perfect way to spend today.  I hope you too are enjoying fall.  Part of me is sad summer is over with the daylight dwindling but I am feeling more and more ready to take on a new challenge with baby #2 and am anticipating meeting him or her.

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