Sunday, November 18, 2012

What I Wore Sunday...Vol 5

It's that time of week again.  Sunday, mass time, and time for another What I Wore Sunday linkup.  So here goes. The Outfit: 

Baby: The newly 13mo Ephraim
Necklace: Target
Shirt: My mom gave it to me, she may have gotten it at the Bon Ton, as this is one of her favorite 
clothing stores. (I'm one of those weirdo people who likes turtlenecks because I have a long neck myself)
Pants: Clothing Swap, originally from Target
Socks: From my MIL, who no matter what holiday or gift giving occasion always gives me funky socks. (I realize that you can barely see them here, but they are argyle and knee length with fall colors in them.
Shoes: Dillards, from back in the day when I had to be a professional and present my science. (Here's a close up of them)

And here is the out take, as Benjamin wanted to get in on the picture taking action too.  Love my boys!

Check out some more excellent Sunday outfits at the linkup host by Fine Linen and Purple

Until we meet again. Cheers!


  1. 'Tis a blessing to be able to wear a turtleneck and still have a neck of one's own! I get swallowed up big-time, hehe.

  2. Cute outfit, it's perfect for fall!

  3. I love those colors together--great fall look! The boys are cute too :)

  4. How lovely is that coral shirt! I just bought a fiery red coral lipstick just that color. You look lovely!

  5. You look so cute. I like turtlenecks too. I love seeing the what I wore posts, but by golly, I can never remember to snap a photo.

  6. Those colors look great together!

  7. I love turtlenecks too! Bonus is that I can wear them to work. You look so festive!

  8. Love your fall colors! Ephraim is a so darn cute too :-)

  9. great color combo and the shoes are just classic, love the color and style!

  10. Aww E looks so cute. I miss you guys! We'll have to all get dinner sometime soon :)
    And I really like your sweater!

  11. Thanks so much ladies. I've loved looking at all of your beautiful mass outfits too. I realize that I have a lot of orange in my life, so apparently my wardrobe (and oddly my house) are perfect for fall.
